“The process of how to make a football was important. Plastic bags and sacks were used and the result was a ball. The children worked together. They had a goal. They ended up producing a ball that was the guiding light for the entire workshop. The balls are still at the school and they will continue to be used.”
Thomas Herrmann, Sport teacher, Johannesschule, Erfurt
Spirit of Football Germany have developed a curriculum for use in schools in the time between World Cups. The curriculum consists of video, music, dance, theatre, sport, travelogues, and craft–work which explore The Ball’s journeys. Modules introduce the Spirit of Football and its core values: fair–play, collaboration, empathy for and acceptance of others.
A pilot curriculum kicked off in 2011 with a three–day workshop for 60 pupils at the Johannesschule in Erfurt, Germany. The teachers are eager for us to return. “They were the best three days of my life” wrote Theresa (a ten–year–old pupil) in her German class the following day.
The entire school community is involved: teachers help to identify modules that fit the needs of the school; a parents’ evening explains the project and involves them as volunteers; students are able to choose the modules that motivate them the most.
About Us
Spirit of Football CIC is a not–for–profit community interest company dedicated to promoting a very special ball as the “star of the beautiful game” in the run–up to each World Cup. We call it The Ball.
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