Alive & Kicking’s assessment
“The Ball 2010 gave Alive & Kicking the opportunity to be involved in the greatest social journey a football has ever taken. In addition to the excellent work that the journey achieved in highlighting the power of football to bring communities together, The Ball gave Alive & Kicking a platform to show the world that Africa can produce top quality sports balls in fair trade conditions and the sense of pride at seeing The Ball arrive in Johannesburg in time for the World Cup was immense.
From a business perspective, the journey of The Ball allowed Alive & Kicking to make new partnerships and increase the enterprise’s profile. The advertising equivalent value of the editorial coverage around The Ball was worth well in excess of £100,000.”
Will Prochaska, Managing Director, Alive & Kicking
About Us
Spirit of Football CIC is a not–for–profit community interest company dedicated to promoting a very special ball as the “star of the beautiful game” in the run–up to each World Cup. We call it The Ball.
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