The Ball
Around the world, the beautiful game may have different names and be played in different styles, but every game of football needs a ball. Spirit of Football CIC is a not–for–profit community interest company dedicated to promoting a very special ball as the “star of the beautiful game” in the run–up to each World Cup. We call it The Ball.
Every four years, The Ball travels from England to the World Cup and immerses itself in the passion and excitement of the people it encounters. The Ball explores and celebrates how football enriches their lives and shares their stories with a global audience. The Ball leaves an enduring legacy in its wake by connecting people and organisations together in mutually beneficial ways.
Everyone is welcome to play: it doesn’t matter if you are black or white, old or young, rich or poor, male or female, intellectually or physically challenged or not. The Ball is our story and your story too.
We invite you to come and play in the next game →
About Us
Spirit of Football CIC is a not–for–profit community interest company dedicated to promoting a very special ball as the “star of the beautiful game” in the run–up to each World Cup. We call it The Ball.
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